AZCO Corp.'s March 2023 Food Drive: Canstruction

AZCO Members have united in a “Friendly Competition for a Common Cause” to bring in canned food items for a local food pantry. It starts with ONE can. To feed the hungry. To lift the spirit. To change the world.
Canstruction is an international hunger-relief competition where groups compete to design and build structures made entirely from full cans of food. AZCO Corp. has used this model as the theme for this year’s drive. AZCO members have been divided into 5 teams who will bring in canned items and show their creativity by building simple structures with them. All food collected will be donated to the Tri-Boro Food Pantry.
Need for food is currently high. After nearly three years, the federal government ended pandemic-era payments on March 1 for low-income families on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or SNAP. Food pantries now feel additional responsibility to provide for families that are turning to them for assistance.
If you would like to join our efforts and make a financial donation, please visit and find information under Make A Donation. The Tri-Boro Food Pantry is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.