Requirements: This application required cutting a string of individual sealed and filled pouches to length.
Our Solution: AZCO Corp. designed and manufactured a pouch dispenser to feed and cut pouches in bandolier format to length.
- A motorized power assist pulls the material out of a material box located behind the unit.
- The power assist controls the tension on the web and ensures high accuracy and consistence.
- Material travels over a dancer roller and a turning plow.
- It is guided into the cantilever dual servo driven belts.
- From the touchscreen, the operator can open the belts and index the material.
- The optic system which is built into the knife cartridge tracks a position on the material.
- Once the material is indexed to the proper location, the knife assembly is triggered and makes a cut.
- The dispenser is mobile and can be rolled up to a process.
- Unit requires 110vac power and compressed air.